Never Without Power
Expert and reliable since more than 30 years.
Expert and reliable since more than 30 years.
Customized systems, usually dedicated to auxiliary loads in MT cabins (?) and HV substations, where high reliability is always required.
Both standard products destined to several purposes and customized systems for industrial applications, such as emergency lighting or OIL & GAS.
They complete our DC and AC range. Between them, several type of batteries, rack and cabinets.
Battery efficiency is so important that it has to be periodically verified with professional systems.
Thanks to its thirty years long experience, Zutronic has built during the years a complete range of services to better support customers, from functional tests to ordinary maintenance.
Selling products is the easy part. Finding the right solution that better fits every needs, even the most complex one, requires specific characteristics and expertise.
Technical knowledge and reliability are always been the best Zutronic qualities, and also the ones more appreciated from our Customers. Thanks to our vaste range of products, we guarantee.
Wich customer would not like a single counterpart able to support during choosing phase, supply the products and finally manage the maintenance?
Get in touch with us, a person in charge will reply as soon as possible with all the informations you need.